Vim on Windows


At work, I now use Windows. But I dig Vim too much to let it go…

Windows binaries are available at Vim’s web page. However, there are a few differences from *nix.

To avoid problems with administrative rights I install Vim in C:\programs\Vim instead of the default C:\Program Files.

GVim fonts

The GUI Vim has a different background color and font size depending on whether you start Vim with or without a file. The font size is set with the following option in the _vimrc file the home folder:

if has("gui_win32")
	set guifont=Consolas:h11:cANSI


I use vim-plug to manage plugins. This manager is installed by copying the file plug.vim into one of Vim’s autoload folders – I made the plugin work by using the one in the install path, C:\programs\Vim\vim80\autoload.

In the _vimrc file the location of the plugins must be specified. I chose the folder vimfiles – the counterpart of .vim:

call plug#begin('C:/Users/<user>/vimfiles/plugged')

Plug 'ervandew/supertab'

Plug 'junegunn/fzf'
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'

call plug#end()

One of my favorite plugins uses the fzf fuzzy finder. I use a precompiled binary available from the fzf page above, which is saved in C:/Users/<user>/vimfiles/plugged/fzf/bin/fzf.exe.

Finally, make sure that Git is installed, as vim-plug needs to clone directories from GitHub when installing plugins.

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